Who Is Jesus? - West Lake Worth

Every Tuesday, from 12/10/2024 to 03/04/2025, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
This Connection Group uses the biblically based book by Greg Gilbert entitled, Who Is Jesus?. This small weekly group meets for the purpose of engaging and encouraging men. Each participant will be expected to read and come prepared to discuss material from the book. Contact facilitator via e-mail for details.
'Who Is Jesus?' by Greg Gilbert:
Have you ever mistaken a person for someone else? It can be embarrassing and humorous to make mistakes about other people's identities. When we talk about Jesus, we're in a totally different category than recognizing old friends or acquaintances. When we're mistaken about Jesus' identity, it's more than embarrassing - it's tragic.
A famed historian once noted that, regardless of what you think of him personally, Jesus Christ stands as the central figure in the history of Western civilization. A man violently rejected by some and passionately worshipped by others, Jesus remains as polarizing as ever. But most people still know very little about who he really was, why he was really here, or what he really claimed.
Intended as a succinct introduction to Jesus’s life, words, and enduring significance, 'Who Is Jesus?' offers non-Christians and new Christians alike a compelling portrait of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, this book encourages readers to carefully consider the history-shaping life and extraordinary teachings of the greatest man who ever lived.
'Who Is Jesus?' is filled with powerful stories and refreshingly practical answers to points like:
- What Do You Think?
- An Extraordinary Man, and Then Some
- King of Israel, King of Kings
- The Great "I Am" . . . Is One of Us
- The Triumph of the Last Adam
- Lamb of God, Sacrifice for Man
- Resurrected and Reigning Lord
By the end of this must-read book, you will hopefully be challenged to think hard about Jesus, be encouraged to see his claims and it's implications more clearly, and be led to a firm answer to the question 'Who is Jesus?'.