GPBC Inc., known as Gathering Palm Beach County, is a non-denomination Christian based ministry to men. We offer 6 key programs throughout Palm Beach County that positively impact men and strengthen them for life's journey. Outreach Breakfasts, County-wide Connection Groups, Fatherhood Bootcamps, Relationship Enrichment Tools, Marketplace Bible Studies, and Meaningful Resources. Celebrating 35 Years!
Online Donation . . .

Mail-in Donation . . .
Make your check payable to Gathering Palm Beach County and send to:
9314 Forest Hill Blvd, Ste 56
Wellington, FL 33411
Financial Partnerships
sustaining circle
A regular monthly gift in any amount is the sustaining life blood that allows us to meet our regular needs. Just like your business, we strive to be good stewards and provide meaning services, and this means regular expenses.
As we strive to help others, would you consider Jesus' words that it is "more blessed to give than receive" (Acts 20:35). Thank you for joining with us and helping us with stewardship and good work in the community through your participation.
50 Good Men
Abraham chose to stand and plead for the city. As he said to God, "What if fifty righteous people were in the city?"
It's recorded that God listened to him (Genesis 18:22-26). We too are looking for 50 men to join us monthly as we plead to God on behalf of men and their families in Palm Beach County. The goal is to have 50 men/families giving $50 per month.
Centurions were courageous leaders of 100 men who fought side by side with their soldiers, while leading from the front! Such men were prestigious members of a relatively small class governing the military. Biblical Centurions were men of faith. (Matthew 8:5-10). The goal is to have 100 men/families giving $100 per month.
Special Giving Opportunities
Planned Giving
Talk with one of our financial planners to decide what type of Planned Giving is right for you. The Gathering accepts stocks, real estate, life insurance, intermediate and deferred gift annuities. In addition to monthly and one-time gifts, we can also receive stock gifts. To speak with one of our financial planners, contact us at 561-622-4913.
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If you are not receiving our eNewsletter, sign up for it today to stay abreast of all the activities of The Gathering.