Couple Checkup

When was your last relationship
"Tune Up or Check up"?

You do it for many other important items in your life such as your car and your health. With Couple Checkup you will invest $35 to take this assessment. The return on that $35 might be the best investment in your relationship whether dating, engaged, or married!

As soon as you finish, the analysis will be sent to you with a discussion guide to help you in your evaluation/discussion. If you choose, you can have the results e-mailed to your pastor or counselor.

Learn More...

Take the Relationship Assessment


Weekend to Remember

great Marriages don't just happen

Great marriages require intentionality and investment—just like a garden that must be watered in order to grow. FamilyLife's Weekend to Remember getaway offers:

  • biblical-based insights from top speakers and marriage experts;
  • relaxing alone time to rediscover the reasons you fell in love, free from distractions; and
  • helpful tools, projects, and resources for an immediate impact on your marriage.
  • even more details can be found at

Click to view the top 10 highlights from our last Weekend to Remember  

Use Group Name for Discount - GatheringPalmBeach


A Man and His Marriage

Authentic Manhood has released 33 The Series and as part of that series, they discuss "A Man and His Marriage". Below is a clip from that series. We have groups meeting throughout the county going through the 33 The Series study. "A Man and His Marriage" helps bring life to your marriage by building it around God’s grace and for His glory. If interested in attending one of our groups, click on the Small Groups link at the top of our website and contact a leader to learn more. 

Lists To Love By

One for Him, One For Her

Two books of simple steps to the marriage you want.

It’s no secret that there is a wide emotional gap between men and women. Couples crave love and attention from one another, but they don’t always know how to show it. LISTS TO LOVE BY FOR BUSY WIVES and LISTS TO LOVE BY FOR BUSY HUSBANDS present creative and practical ways for wives and husbands to bridge this gap and improve their relationship. These thirty lists will carry wives and husbands through an entire month of learning to love their spouses more deeply with advice they will come back to again and again. From lists addressing a wide range of topics, readers will learn to set better expectations for their marriage, to communicate more effectively with their spouse, to build a deeper foundation of love in their marriage, and much more.BUY "LISTS TO LOVE BY"