The Gathering offers many opportunities for men to get connected, involved, and encouraged. Check out the links on the right for more information on specific ministries offered by The Gathering. Below is a summary of how The Gathering serves and ministers to men in Palm Beach County.

Outreach Breakfasts

Since 1989, The Gathering has sponsored Men's Outreach Breakfasts. This is done in a marketplace setting, where a speaker of substance and reputation shares his story, as well as a clear a presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. These semi-annual breakfasts are evangelical events designed so that Christian men can intentionally try to reach other men for Christ. Our hope is that those who attend are encouraged and inspired in their life journey, and we provide an opportunity for attendees to network both professionally and personally with others.

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County-wide Groups

The Gathering has county-wide affiliated Connection Groups that meet in marketplace settings, board rooms, civic centers, car dealerships, coffee shops, restaurants, churches, and more. These are designed specifically to engage men to be fully alive in their personal and professional lives and to help men mature into disciples of Christ. Some of the groups feature The Christian Man, 33 The Series (AKA Authentic Manhood), 7 Questions That Rattle In The Minds Of Most Men, The Four Priorities, Conquer Series, Faithful & True, Who Is Jesus?, What Is The Gospel?, Why Trust The Bible?, E-100 Bible Challenge, and much more!

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Fatherhood Tools

The Gathering understands that when a man becomes a "father" everything in his life is impacted. Men can be strategic and instrumental in impacting their families . . . and having tools to use is vital. Some of the resources and opportunities featured include Boot Camp For New Dads, Trail Map For Life, All-Pro Dad, A Man & His Fatherhood, and serving as a Vet-Dad Coach for our successful Daddy Boot Camp classes held in county-wide hospitals.

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Relationship Enrichment

The Gathering provides resources for men who are married, engaged, dating, or looking to prepare for that special person. These resources are pro-marriage and designed to help men build meaningful relationships. Some of the popular resources The Gathering promotes are The Couple Check-Up, FamilyLife's Weekend To Remember, A Man & His Marriage, and Lists To Love By For Busy Husbands/Wives.

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The Gathering desires to see all men faithfully engaged and actively involved in a local church Christian church where they hear The Word of God preached weekly and grow in their faith. With this in mind, we encourage men to "Find-A-Church" and consider getting plugged-in to a local church community. We also encourage men to regularly prayer for their pastors via the Nickel Prayer Defense.

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The Gathering understands how difficult life is to navigate alone. We need others to provide us the encouragement needed to stay centered on God's plan for our life. Many of the resources and groups provided through The Gathering provide that encouragement. Also available are weekly Men's 'Lunch & Learn' Series, PRIMETIME Marketplace Bible Studies, and StrongMan Purity Groups that help encourage us throughout the week.

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