The Gathering promotes 'StrongMan : Men's Purity Groups' throughout Palm Beach County. These groups focus on the overall positive affirmation of authentic manhood alongside others who have a made a commitment to address areas that often trap men - purity, passion, possibility. We use various Biblical-based materials that incorporate group discussions (such as Seven Pillars To Freedom, Conquer Series, Warpath, Soul Refiner, Pure Desire, Steps of Hope, ect.)

The 'Seven Pillars to Freedom', written by Dr. Ted Roberts, is a great Biblical-based workbook (not video) that incorporates group discussions. It is for men who have gone through the Conquer Series and want to keep striving forward in sexual integrity. The course addresses the following pillars . . .

 • Pillar 1:  Breaking through denial
• Pillar 2:  Understanding the nature of sexual addiction

• Pillar 3:  Surrendering to the process
• Pillar 4:  Limiting damage
• Pillar 5:  Establishing sobriety
• Pillar 6:  The battle is in your mind
• Pillar 7:  A spiritual growth plan

Each pillar is made up of five lessons, so the course is best run over a period of 12 months for men to have enough time to apply the teachings to their lives. 

In these StrongMan groups men are encouraged and equipped through group discussions that take place as they go through the material together in a safe and private setting.  As the scripture says, "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." (Proverbs 27:17; NKJV). 

Conquer Series: Battle Plan for Sexual Purity . . .

gives you real, proven strategies for freedom. You will explore strongholds that keep men in bondage, examine the neurochemistry of addiction, discover the weapons and strategies of God, investigate proven strategies to prevent relapse, and study practical daily techniques to remain free.  CONQUER SERIES INFO


Warpath Series: Winning The War For Sexual Integrity . . .

Warpath is a comprehensive and powerful video series for men who have completed the Conquer Series. It takes men deeper into subjects presented in the Conquer Series and provides new tools and insights to maintain a life of sustained sexual integrity. VIDEO PREVIEW

Soul Refiner: Cinematic Videos that Heal Broken Lives and Set Captives Free . . .

The Church is ground-zero for people who are hurting, broken and addicted. Soul Refiner is a turn-key ministry that provides you or your church with proven, Bible-based tools and strategies that bring healing and restoration to their lives. Your small groups will have all the videos, digital tools and resources necessary to help heal broken hearts and bring lasting change and freedom where there once was no hope gives you real, proven strategies for freedom. You will explore strongholds that keep men in bondage, examine the neurochemistry of addiction, discover the weapons and strategies of God, investigate proven strategies to prevent relapse, and study practical daily techniques to remain free.  SOUL REFINER INFO