Gathering Palm Beach County

Engaging men to be fully alive
in the marketplace and beyond.


Meet Fred Stokes - Spring Outreach Breakfast (May 28)

Mar 2

Join us for The Gathering Spring Men's Outreach Breakfast w/ Fred Stokes - Super Bowl Champ, Entrepreneur, Author. His path to stardom and success is a truly captivating story. You'll be encouraged and inspired. 7am Wed., May 28, West Palm Beach


Get Connected

Our lives are to be lived in community. God created us to be in community with one another. A small group is a band of brothers, a strong community of support, respect, and accountability helping us develop into more God-honoring, authentic men.


Spring Into Action

Mar 8

March EncourageMale features articles about Spring Outreach Breakfast, Business's Spiritual Potential, Exercise Use for Christians, Adult Kids Deconstructing Faith, Couple Check-Up, Whose Your MVP?, + much more.

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