Summer Give - Can you help?
Please prayerfully consider helping us! Summer Give Gifts help us finish the 1st half of the year strong and start the 2nd half stronger. Lives impacted, decisions for Christ, families strengthened - Thank You!
Please prayerfully consider helping us! Summer Give Gifts help us finish the 1st half of the year strong and start the 2nd half stronger. Lives impacted, decisions for Christ, families strengthened - Thank You!
Summer Games Men’s Golf, 48% So Far, Saying "No" Well, Being A Man Of God In A Lost Culture, Marriage Getaway, Save-The-Date Fall Outreach Breakfast, + much more!
Summer Games Men’s Axe Throwing, Independence Day Freedoms, Moody Radio Fathering Tips Interview, Upcoming Marriage Getaway, Connection Groups, + much more!
Summer Games Dads/Sons Paintball, Management Or Leadership: Jesus' Emphasis?, Trail Map For Life Parents/Teens, Father's Day Videos, New Groups, + much more!
Spring Breakfast was great BUT what’s next? Here are some steps for you that include Lunch Details, Bisher Video/Book, Summer Games, Marriage Getaway, New Dad Bootcamp Coaching, Groups, Summer Give, + Much More!