Jan 31, 2024
Romans - The Heart of The Gospel
The letter to the Romans stands as the clearest and most systematic presentation of Christian doctrine in all the Scriptures. Paul began by discussing that which is most easily observable in the world—the sinfulness of all humanity. All people have been condemned due to our rebellion against God. However, God in His grace offers us justification by faith in His Son, Jesus. When we are justified by God, we receive redemption, or salvation, because Christ’s blood covers our sin. But Paul made it clear that the believer’s pursuit of God doesn’t stop with salvation; it continues as each of us is sanctified—made holy—as we persist in following Him. Paul’s treatment of these issues offers a logical and complete presentation of how a person can be saved from the penalty and power of his or her sin.
In this letter, Paul invites us to mine the depths of the gospel like never before. As we journey through this book together, we’ll grow to understand God’s righteousness, our unrighteousness apart from him, the significance of God’s Son Jesus Christ, and the implications of the gospel message for our everyday lives.
Whether you are struggling with knowing where you stand with God, or why you have such trouble keeping the commands of God, or why you can’t seem to find that spiritual power you’ve heard so much about, the book of Romans is for you.